Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's is a kind of Dementia that affects memory, talking and thinking abilities so it will make problems by normal daily and social activities. The most common disease of this form is Alzheimer. Alzheimer is a name of scientist which was the first to discover this disease at 1906 on a 45 years old man. This disease usually starts at age of 65+ although at the age of 40 or 50 was also seen. From the age of 65 rate will be doubled for every 5 years. Usually 0.25% of people age 65 to 70 and 24% on people aged 85+ have this disease. The rate between genders are same but because women live usually longer the number of women with this disease are more. Researchers believe that women are more likely to be affected by this disease as men because men’s mind can overcome better.
The transmission is still unclear. Swedish scientist realized that people who have a specific fat gens are three times more vulnerable to this disease. This gens called “FTO” which cause fat and diabetics. Moreover people who had not enough and regular sleep for extended period of time can get Alzheimer more and also high salt nutrition with low physical activities are factor. Harvard medical experts suggest that red meat and butter can increase the chance especially on older women. They insist that women who use more unsaturated one chain oil like olive, sunflower and other vegetable oils and avocado are usually have better mind power. There are several other factors like brain stroke, extended illegal drug usage, long term stress, Parkinson and hard head damage like professional boxer which they are under heavy bombardment of punch on their head.
Forgetting are not a main symptoms. Every person can get mental and memory disorder which lead to forgetting. Symptoms are varies from person to person but it gets worst over time. I can divide them in 3 different subgroups:
Mild symptoms:
- Dizziness and memory loss.
- The awareness of the time, place and the family.
- Personality and judgment abilities changes.
Moderate symptoms:
- Impairment of daily activities such as washing, bathing and eating, especially difficulty in chewing hard foods.
- Anxiety, agitation (extreme anxiety accompanied by motor restlessness), and paranoia (suspicions and mistrust of something or somebody).
- Bug dreams.
- Wandering and slowly walking.
- Difficulty in recognizing family members or close friends.
Severe symptoms:
- No Talking
- Loss of appetite and weight.
- The control loss of urination and defecation
- Reliance and dependency on others for an everyday living
There is no treatment for this disease but some drugs can delay the disease or decrease some symptoms like depression, sleeping and anxiety. The doctor can recommend the best for patient. Drugs like Galantamine (Reminy), Rivastigmine (Exelone), Donepezil (Aricept) and Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors can help. Usually starting with low doses and increase it will decrease the symptoms. On severe condition medicine named Memantine will be recommended. This drug will prevent cell damages in the neuron synapse area in patient. Vitamin-E, Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds and Ginkgo were not effective and they caused more problems. German researches said Metformin which are widely used in diabetic type 2 treatment can also be usefull in Alzheimer and a group of American scientist realized that anti-cancer drug called Bexarotene can decrease recognizing, behavior and mental problems in Dementia. Other research in US showed that stem cells can be effective against Alzheimer. This research are published on “Stem Cells magazine” and the method is to use stem cells in order to repair specific affected neurons successfully. A study suggest that Turmeric can be a good choice because this spice will decrease plague in mind and prevent brain damage. Moreover it said that listening to music can decrease stress, relief anxiety and depression. An interesting test showed that laugh treatment had a similar effect as a widely used chemical medicines so in this case the dangerous side effect will be omitted.
Living place safety from the accidents, well-marked and well illuminated way points to the rooms and toilet, attention to meal plan and cleanness, Assistive object for walking, use of hearings aids, Family briefing and whoever who look after patient to cope with his/her emotional and behavioral problems, Constant efforts of movement exercises, speech and Entertainment, regular taking Essential medicines and if necessary change the doses of drugs based on the consultation with their doctors and General examination of the patient for internal and neurology are recommended supportive therapy to do.
Some measures will help to decrease the chance of getting Alzheimer. I give some example of them:
Drinking coffee: it will help to decrease the Alzheimer chance up to 65% by drinking in middle age.
Dental care and infection prevention: Flossing and brushing regularly and keep your teeth and gums healthy, take care of colds and viral infections in young age, right time stomach infections treatment will have considerable decreases of Alzheimer's disease chance.
Brain activity: A study suggest that reading, internet surfing for a minimum of 1 hour per day will increase Mental efficiency and its positive effects on brain MRI scans is evident. Also, solving puzzles and learning other languages is effective in the prevention of Alzheimer.
Aerobic activities: the kind that you are able to do continuously, such as walking, swimming or jogging for at least half an hour a day.
Good nutrition: Low fat, sugar, salt, red meat diet and eating fruits, vegetables and fishes more frequently. 2 apple or apple juice per day will provide required Acetylcholine. Foods like Bitter chocolate, asparagus, turmeric, salmon, walnut, cherry, spinach, lettuce, broccoli and herbs like thyme, lavender, rosemary, figs, almonds, beets, mustard, saffron and garlic will help brain and Alzheimer prevention. Getting Vitamin-D from foods and sun are other known factor.
Meditation: Yoga or Meditation for 12 or more minutes are helpful for memory and cerebral blood flow in brain in senior citizens.
Healthy brain activity: Reading, family and social relations, low stress career and group fun and excursion programs are some examples.
Use filtered water: Many minerals and metals, especially copper in water is involved in the development of Alzheimer.
Us researches are successfully developed a method to recognize Alzheimer 3 years before the first symptoms. This is a blood test which measure 10 different lipid molecules with accuracy rate of 90%. Scientist across Europe and US are trying to develop a vaccine with a positive result on animals. This vaccine called CAD106 and had a successful early laboratory stage tests in Sweden.
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